Ticket Priority (Severity)

When assigning a priority to a ticket, please be aware of the following meanings of each priority level. Use the priority level which most closely matches your scenario.

  • Urgent: You are unable to continue creating a treatment plan in Astroid. Critical functions of Astroid are unavailable that may soon cause treatment delays.
  • High: Important functions of Astroid are impaired or degraded.
  • Medium: Non-critical functions of Astroid are behaving abnormally, or you have a time-sensitive question.

First Response and Resolution Times

Our target first response time will vary based on the severity level you initially report to us for each support request. We will make every reasonable effort to respond to your initial request within the timeframes in the table below. Following our first response, we will make every reasonable effort to resolve each support request as quickly as practicable. Although we cannot guarantee specific resolution times (due to the variation and uncertainty in root cause complexity), we understand that support requests identified as Urgent or High can have an important impact on your business. As such, for support requests identified as Urgent we will apply continuous effort until an Error Correction has been found, and for support requests identified as High, we will apply continuous effort (during normal business hours) until an Error Correction has been found.

Target Initial Response Times:

15 minutes or less
2 hours or less
12 hours or less
24 hours or less